8 results found searching for projects related to Chris Schwarz
A Robotic Vehicle Platform for Education and Outreach We propose to develop a small robotic vehicle based on a Raspberry Pi architecture that can be used for education and outreach in the classroom or at STEM events. Two versions of the vehicle are plann ...
Distributed Simulation to Support Driving Safety Research Over half of all crashes involve two or more vehicles. While driving simulation provides an effective way to study many crash scenarios in a well-controlled environment, it cannot capture the complex ...
Examination of driver behavior in response to bicyclist behaviors In order to make roadways safer for bicycles and pedestrians via infrastructure changes or in-vehicle technology warning systems for drivers, it is important to understand how drivers respond to such ...
Using Driver State Detection in Automated Driving The next several years will see a large increase in automated vehicle capabilities. High levels of automation will require bi-directional transfers of control between the driver and vehicle. These con ...