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The University of Iowa
University of Central Florida
University of Massachusetts - Amherst
University of Puerto Rico - Mayaguez Campus
University of Wisconsin - Madison
By investigator...
Alberto Figueroa Medina
Amr Oloufa, Ph.D
Anuj K. Pradhan
Arden Mroz
Ashley McDonald
Aura Ganz
Benjamin Colucci
Benjamin Devane
Cara Hamann
Carla Lopez del Puerto
Chao Wang
Charles Jennissen
Chengbo Ai
Chris Schwarz
Cole Fitzpatrick
Dan Negrut
Daniel V. McGehee
David A. Noyce, Ph.D., P.E.
Dawn Marshall
Didier M Valdes Diaz, Ph.D.
Donald Fisher
Eleni Christofa
Eric Gonzales
Gary Gaffney
Gerene Denning
Jaeyoung Lee
Jennifer McDermott
Jodie Plumert
John Gaspar
John Lee
Joseph Kearney
Joyce Moore
Juneyoung Park
Kari Harland
Kathryn Slater
Kathy Holeton
Kelvin Santiago
Kyle Rector
Leslie Flynn
Lindsey Caldwell
Lishengsa Yue
Madhav Chitturi
Madison Walzcak
Michael A. Knodler, Jr., Ph.D
Michael Plotnikov, Ph.D
Michelle Reyes
Mohamed Abdel-Aty, Ph.D., P.E.
Mohamed Zaki
Naveen Eluru
Omer Tatari
Peter Hancock
Radu Serban
Salam Rahmatalla
Samiul Hasan
Shannon Roberts
Shaun Vecera
Shawn Allen
Siby Samuel
Stephen Baek
Steven Spears
Susan Chrysler
Tim Brown
Victoria Leitner
Vince Horosewski
Xun Zhou
Yina Wu
Zhaomiao Guo
Research Projects
results found searching for projects related to
Shannon Roberts
Attention and Adaptation of Teen Drivers to Driving Automation Systems
Uncovering the effect of automation on driving for teens is important because given their high crash rate, they may benefit the most from driving automation systems (DASs). However, depending on their ...
Development and Testing of an In-Vehicle Interface for Use in Automated Driving Contexts
Despite the promise of automated vehicles and the modernization of in-vehicle interfaces, there is not a good understanding as to which design is more appropriate with respect to safety, especially as ...
Enhancing the effectiveness of automated vehicle sensory-based alert systems
With advanced driving assistance systems (ADASs), drivers are alerted using visual, auditory, and haptic methods. Unfortunately, the conspicuity of these alert systems does not always lead to desired ...
Training to Improve Situational Awareness Regarding Operational Design Domain in Driving Automation Systems
Though many believe that driving automation systems can properly function in all conditions or situations, all vehicles that are level 0 through 4 have a very specific operational design domain. When ...
Understanding of advanced vehicle technology: The role of system exposure and perceptions of other road users
New automated technologies are becoming increasingly available in passenger vehicles. These complex systems, while offering new safety and convenience features, change the nature of driving— includi ...