Impact of Deflection Angle on Roundabout Driver Behavior Roundabouts have been gaining popularity as an alternative to signalized intersections, due to their potential for more efficient and safe traffic operations. While several state and federally funded ...
Integrating Traffic Control Devices via Augmented Reality Traffic Control Devices (TCD’s) are integral to driver-to-infrastructure (D2I) and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) interactions. Yearly, the installation and maintenance of these various TCD’s cos ...
Perception of Time Influences on Driver Speed Selection In the United States, traffic crashes claim the lives of 30,000 people every year and is the leading cause of death for 5-24 year olds. Speed selection is a crucial task for human drivers and is one o ...
Risk Awareness and Perception Training using Virtual Reality The potential of the VR platform will be investigated, by executing the scenarios from the (Pradhan et al, 2005) and compare the VR drivers’ hazard anticipation behavior to the hazard anticipation b ...
The Influence of Unmanned Aerial Systems on Driving Performance Safety across all facets of the transportation system remains a top priority of the U.S. Department of Transportation due, in part, to the high number of traffic fatalities and injuries occurring eac ...
To Trust or Not to Trust? A Simulation-based Experimental Paradigm Human error has been cited as a causal factor in 94 percent of vehicle crashes (Singh 2015). Automated vehicle technology promises to help decrease that share by at least partial takeover of vehicle c ...